Greetings fellow wine enthusiasts! Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Megan and my primary goal for this blog is to visit and review every wine bar in Manhattan. Aggressive goal, you say? Exactly. I plan on carrying a bottle of Excedrin around with me at all times. Why am I doing this? For several reasons:
1. I love wine
2. I love writing
3. I could use a little adventure
4. Did I mention I love wine?
5. It’s going to be fun!
For each review I will write about the atmosphere of the bar, the crowd each venue draws, the service, and of course - the wine! I’ve eliminated restaurant-wine bars from the places I will visit, considering that there are thousands of them, and will be reviewing places that are strictly wine bars. Even so, I will still be drinking at 120+ locations. I won’t be looking at yelp or any other restaurant review site prior to my visit; I don’t want to walk into any of the bars with a preconception of what it will or should be like.
How is my blog different from your average review site? Simple. It will be me and only me reviewing each bar. If you feel the same way about any of the places I review, chances are our tastes are very similar and you’ll know exactly whether or not you will enjoy a specific wine bar.
Maybe my blog will help wine bars get to know their customer better, maybe it will help people make decisions about which wines to select, and maybe it will accomplish neither. But I do know that it's going to be a heck of a lot of fun. If you notice any bars that I might have missed along my epic journey, please recommend them and I will certainly pop in for a glass or two.